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As a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®), I can help you think through the real cost of divorce and develop a true picture of how the divorce will impact you not only today but tomorrow as well. 


I can help you understand personal versus marital property, child and spousal support, tax issues, and splitting assets. I will inform you of the short and long-term impact of your settlement options and assist you in taking control of your financial future. 


How do you benefit?

I am trained to watch out for adverse tax consequences, clarify financial decisions, explain the impact of investments, and provide analysis on which assets to keep and which assets to let go of. It's my job to help make the financial aspects of your divorce less stressful.


Pre-Divorce Services 

Gathering financial data/information 

Collaborate with your attorney 

Establish goals and priorities for your settlement

Conduct budget analysis 


During Divorce Services

Collaborate with your attorney or mediator

Analyze the short and long-term impact of your settlement options 

Provide financial reports and analysis 

Value retirement assets


Post-Divorce Services

Assist with maintaining goals and objectives 

Assist with process and paperwork to transfer assets in a timely manner 

Ongoing planning and support

Schedule Your Complimentary Consultation Today

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